Weiser Family History
Recomended Links
In order to give you access to more information related to the Weiser Family from Bornheim/Oberwiesen, I have created this link-page. With time I plan to fill it with Links to other Weiser Family Web Pages and to Sites with historical and geographical information about the area the Weisers lived in, when they were in Germany.
- Related Family Site - R. Niel Mabry
http://mabryfamilynews.blogspot.de/2005/03/emigrants-from-rauenthaler-hof-near.html - Central Archives of the Protestant Church of the Palatine
http://www.zentralarchiv-speyer.de/ - Deutsche Genealogie: Rheinland-Pfalz
http://www.genealogienetz.de/reg/RHE-PFA/rhein-p-d.html - Rheinhessen-Info (German)
Although these links have been hand selected I expressedly take no responsibility for the content of these web-sites.